class Task

Class representing a task on the PVM.

Public Methods

[more]bool HasParent () const
returns, whether the task has a parent.
[more]::Pvm::Host Host () const
returns the host, the task is running on.
[more]void Kill () const
kills the tasks.
[more]std::string Name () const
returns the name of the task.
[more]Task Parent () const
returns the parent of the task.
[more]bool Running () const
returns, whether the task is running.
[more] Task (unsigned int What)
constructs a Task for the host with the task id What as used by PVM.
[more] operator unsigned int () const
returns the host id as used by PVM.


Class representing a task on the PVM.

This class represents a task, running (or preveously running) on the PVM. Internally it just stores a pointer to a data structure, so it is save and fast to use it as a value parameter and as a function result as well. Requests to the PVM, like Name() are cached, so you don't need to cache yourself.

There is an ostream& operator<< (ostream &Stream, Task What) defined as well. It outputs the task id as used by the PVM prepended by a "t".

o Task(unsigned int What)
constructs a Task for the host with the task id What as used by PVM.

o operator unsigned int () const
returns the host id as used by PVM.

obool HasParent() const
returns, whether the task has a parent.

oTask Parent() const
returns the parent of the task. It is an error to call this function, if no parent exists. Use HasParent() to check.

o::Pvm::Host Host() const
returns the host, the task is running on.

ostd::string Name() const
returns the name of the task. The name is only available for programs started by PVM++ via a Spawn() call or started by PVM using the pvm_spawn() call. This is a limitation inherited from PVM.

obool Running() const
returns, whether the task is running.

ovoid Kill() const
kills the tasks.

This class has no child classes.
class HostSet

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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